- To report fraud on your account, please call our Member Service Center at (251) 316-3240 during regular business hours M-F 8:15 a.m. – 5p.m. If you are calling after hours, there is an option to leave your name and number and one of our representatives will call you back the following business day.
- For other questions, there are other ways to reach out to us available on our Contact Us page.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Our website offers an overview of all our products and services.
In the menu bar to the right is a search feature (
) that you can click on to get to certain product information quickly.

Another tool is this FAQ page which is designed to help you get a bit more detail on specific questions that come up more frequent. However, if you have any questions that are not answered by our website or these FAQs, please contact us so our Member Services Center may assist you during their regular business hours Monday - Friday 8:15 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- If you contact us during regular business hours (Mon - Fri, 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) at (251) 316-3240, you can press 3, the “Report a Stolen, Lost, or Fraudulent Charges on a Debit/Credit Card” option and one of our Member Service Representatives will assist you.
- If you are calling after regular business hours, please call (888)-918-7817 for a lost or stolen DEBIT card, or (866)-820-3790 for a lost or stolen CREDIT card. We encourage you to sign up for Alert Notifications for your debit or credit card so you can be alerted of suspicious activity on your account before it’s too late.
- You can apply for a loan on our website under the Loans tab for our 24/7 Loan Application. Select the type of loan you want to apply for and complete the application with the necessary information. After we have received your application, one of our representatives will reach out to you. Please make sure to submit the application before closing out of the window or else we will NOT receive your application.
- You may also visit one of our branches and speak to one of our representatives. Appointments to apply for a loan can be made in advanced from our Appointments tab to avoid extended wait times.
Note: You must be eligible for membership before being approved for a loan.
Your new debit card or credit card will be mailed to you within 7-10 business days within the month your current card is scheduled to expire. Delivery times depend on USPS services. However, if you have not received your new card within 7-10 business days after your old card expires, please call our Member Service Center at (251) 316-3240 to check the status of your card and to try to expedite or order a new one free of charge.
Night Drop Box items (checks, loan payments, or other deposits) are checked every business day by 8:30 a.m. and processed that same day. Please note that processing times will vary depending on the number of items left in the drop box. If you deposited an item on a Friday through our Drop Box, it will be processed the next business day (unless we are closed for any reason such as inclement weather, power outages, Holidays, etc.). Drop Boxes are available to our members 24/7 at all locations except our Rangeline Branch.
Note: We offer a FREE Remote Check Deposit feature through our Mobile App that can help save you time. Click here for details.
To close an account, you can do one of the following:
- Visit a Branch: You must visit a branch with a valid ID to close the account. If you live too far from a branch, see below.
- Out of State/Not Near a Branch: You must mail a signed, written request with a copy of your valid driver’s license to close the account. Please mail that request to:
- ATTN: Member Services Center, P.O. Box 2966 Mobile, AL 36652.
- Before an Account Can be Closed: Any loans associated with the account must be paid in full. Remember to make sure any direct deposits/ACHs have been cancelled, and any checks and debit purchases have also cleared to avoid any issues.
- If You Have Downloaded our Mobile Banking Account App: Our Mobile Banking Account App will no longer display your balances once the account is fully closed. You can delete the Mobile Banking Account App at any time by selecting the NHCU App on your device and simply selecting the delete function to remove it from your device.
You have a couple of options if you need to update your address:
- Online Banking: If you have Online Banking, log in to your account and click on "Services" on the top menu bar. Click on "Update Address Information" and make the necessary changes. Don't forget to hit submit before you close the window. A Member Service Representative will contact you to make sure the changes on your account were made by you before your address is updated on our systems.
- Note: NHCU will NEVER ask for your Social Security Number, Account Number, or any other personal information via email or phone UNLESS you initiated the request. Please report any suspicious email or phone call to (251) 316-3240.
- Visit a Branch: If you still live in Alabama and live near a branch, you can stop by a branch and talk to one of our representatives to update your address. Please bring a valid form of ID with the new address on it. If you are too far from a branch or live out of state, see below.
- Out of State/Not Near a Branch: Please mail a written or typed change of address request to New Horizons CU. Please include your old address and your updated address, along with the name on the account, and last four of your account number. Please sign the request and attach a copy of your driver’s license with the matching address. Mail the request to ATTN: Member Services Center, P.O. Box 2966 Mobile, AL 36652.
- Note: If you type your request, your signature must be in pen, not digital. Also, remember that if you have family members with their own accounts which you are joint on (such as youth accounts), please remember to include that information in your request so that all accounts you are associated with can be updated.
- To submit a payoff request, please type your request to include your name, loan type, good thru date, last four of your social security number (or last four numbers of your account number), and your signature. Email this request to payoffrequests@newhcu.org.
- Example: I, Jane Doe, am requesting a payoff on my 2020 Ford Explorer, good thru January 2023. Last four of my SSN is: 1111 (or) my account number ends in: 4444. (Please include your handwritten signature here).
- If you are in a branch, you must still submit the request with your signature and information above. A representative will make sure your request is received by our Member Service Center.
- You can type this in an email, but we still need to receive your signature, which can be signed on a piece of paper and attached to the email you send.
- Note: Please make sure you type the email address correctly. Please do NOT include your full social security number or account number so your information stays secure.
Our Routing Number is 265-176-339 and is needed for anyone wishing to have deposits or withdrawals automatically made to or from their accounts. This number is located at the bottom right of each of our website pages and can be found printed along the bottom of your NHCU checkbook.
If you still have a question that is not answered by this FAQ page, please Contact Us so we may further assist you. You may call us directly during regular business hours M-F 8:15 a.m. - 5 p.m. at (251) 316-3240.